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SUNDAY, 10/4/2020 | 8:00PM EDT 

Foreign Affairs


Future Leaders

Renaissance or Riddance: The U.S., Russia, and the Future of Great Power Arms Control


Sunday, October 4th, 2020 at 8:00pm EDT

Hosted on Zoom - the link and optional background materials will be emailed to you after registration


The tensions between Moscow and Washington have contributed to the collapse of the arms control architecture laboriously constructed during the Cold War by Moscow and Washington. Mutual accusations of cheating, political divisions in the United States, Russian and U.S. withdrawals from existing security agreements, nuclear rearmament and new strategic weapons technologies, and the proliferation of these capabilities to additional countries have substantially compounded the difficulty of negotiating and ratifying binding arms-control agreements. One plausible scenario would be the collapse of all nuclear arms control in an unbounded arms race. Another situation would be a renaissance of great power arms control in line with the preferences of the current U.S. administration for the inclusion of more countries and strategic capabilities. Alternatively, a continuation of the current patchwork of different types of limits on various weapons, systems, and countries is also plausible.

Foreign Affairs with Future Leaders is a series of youth-led discussions which analyze various international issues and topics by collaboratively addressing their most critical questions. They are co-hosted by the Onero Institute and the Delta Phi Epsilon Professional Foreign Service Fraternity and Sorority at GWU. 


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Richard Weitz is Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis at Hudson Institute. His current research includes regional security developments relating to Europe, Eurasia, and East Asia as well as U.S. foreign and defense policies. Before joining Hudson in 2005, Dr. Weitz worked for shorter terms at the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Defense Science Board, Harvard University’, and other research institutions, and the U.S. Department of Defense, where he received an Award for Excellence from Office of the Secretary of Defense.


Dr. Weitz is a graduate of Harvard University (Ph.D. in Political Science), Oxford University (M.Phil. in Politics), the London School of Economics (M.Sc. in International Relations), and Harvard College (B.A. with Highest Honors in Government), where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He is proficient in Russian, French, and German. Dr. Weitz has authored or edited several books and monographs, published in such journals, and appeared on many broadcast media. He has delivered numerous presentations at conferences, panels, and other events in many countries.


Andrew Ma is Co-founder and Executive Director of the Onero Institute. A native of Seattle, Washington, and a third-year student at Williams College, he is majoring in Political Science and concentrating in International Relations, American Foreign Policy, Justice and Law Studies, and Science and Technology Studies. After graduation he wishes to pursue a career in international law.

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